The next day we did more shopping and then Cody and Jayla came over. Jayla and I went to Target for a while (gotta love shopping!) and then came back in time for dinner. Cody and Dad were out helping a lady in the ward with some electric things so they weren't there with us for dinner :(. But Maurvene was able to come over and we had an enjoyable time together. It was almost like Thanksgiving before Thanksgiving. Later, after Cody and Dad came back, we played video games and then played Skipbo, a family tradition (well at least just playing games). We also all participated in recording music for Cody and Jayla's website That was pretty fun.
Then on Thanksgiving I left really early in the morning to catch my flight to Seattle to spend a few days with Nate and his family. I had SO much fun up there! We had dinner at the church by his grandma's house because his aunts, uncles, cousins, and even his aunt's family came (who Nate didn't know). There was about 50 people there, but the food was amazing and the company was great! One of his uncles even made ribs and they were to die for! After dinner, Nate and I went in the chapel and sang and played because his grandma really wanted us to. A bunch people came in and listened for a while. I even got to sing a duet with one of his aunts who is a wonderful singer. It was awesome!
The day after Thanksgiving Nate was really anxious to get the Christmas tree up so he and his dad started the project. I helped some too. The whole tree didn't get decorated before I left, but it was still fun to see a lit Christmas tree. We also went to see Enchanted with his parents, his sister Stacey, and her boyfriend. It was a really cute movie and has some catchy tunes too. We decided not to shop on Black Friday, mostly because we wanted to sleep in and also because we didn't want to deal with the crowds.
On Saturday Nate and I took a walk along this trail by his house. It was beautiful, but very chilly. We went because I had to do a nature experience for my class. Then we went to the bishop's house to watch the BYU vs. UofU football game. It was great! The best part was that the bishop and his family were Ute fans so they had everything all decked out in red. They even had cookies that said "Go Utes!" and red and white M&Ms saying "Go Utes!" and "Beat BYU!" Well all their decorating was futile, because, of course, BYU won!! It was a lot of fun.
The front yard was even decorated. Someone in the ward had put BYU stuff all over the yard. It was great! They even wrote "Converted Cougars!" on the sidewalk with chalk.
That night we made gingerbread houses because I guess it is a tradition with his mom's family. I actually saw some pics of them doing it as little kids. So us and all of his sisters made houses. I'd never made them with real gingerbread, but his mom is an amazing baker so she made some and that's what we used. Ours is so cute, right? ;)
On Sunday I had the most embarrassing experience of my life. Nate's mom asked us to perform in church so I sang and Nate accompanied me. Well the singing and stuff went well (Nate did an amazing piano solo in the middle that he arranged), but then as I was walking back down to my seat, I totally biffed it down the stairs!! It was HILARIOUS! I mean, it wasn't just a trip, it was a full-blown fall and I landed on my hands and knees at the bottom of the stairs. I thought I was going to die! Thankfully we were sitting in the front row so I didn't have far to go to my seat. Nate didn't quite get there in time because he was just coming around the piano. The funniest part was that before we went up there Nate whispered in my ear "Don't trip on the stairs." Oh man I wanted to just burst out laughing so bad, but I couldn't because it was sacrament Nate just came down and put his arm around me just to make me feel better. It was so funny. People even came up to me afterwards and asked if I was okay. So embarrassing! Well I guess it'll be a moment to remember! On Monday we went into Seattle for a bit and walked by the ferry port and the piers. We also had some fish and chips. Then we went to the airport and flew back to Utah. Overall it was a great trip!!
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